Friday, November 19, 2010

Why did I cross the street?

maju..., jangan..., sekarang yak majuuu....
give out signal, wave....
let pass the bike, let 'em... let 'em....

OK maju sekarang,

truk mulai pelan, si kenek melambai ke samping.
*thinking: kenapa ya, kan dia ngga mau belok atau melipir kiri?*
ah iya, dia lagi bantu supaya yang di belakang tidak mendahului dari kiri.

motor2 ngga nurut sih ya, bikin aku frozen on spot, di tengah jalan raya!

OK, maju.... maju.... pelan... pelan....

motor berpenumpang seorang ibu menyundul motor di depannya.

*should I be apologising? the motorcyclists ignored every sign. sigh, sigh, sigh*

Sekarang sampai ke seberang....
get to the ATM on the other side.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Story, New Beginning

here's a start,

for every line starts with a dot

every stream starts with a drop

so the story starts with a word
